Writing engineering stuff can sometime feel like doing archeological work. While researching a bit on the history of JTAG, I found out that soon after the IEEE 1149.1-1990 standard was formulated, Intel released its first processor, the 80486DX2, with JTAG implementation and the chip industry quickly adopted the standard and follow suit.
This prompted me to recall an in-circuit project for which I developed a test routine for the i486DX2 CPU back in 1996. It was also my first encounter with JTAG which gave me an alternative way of testing a processor chip without going through the arduous traditional coding process. And I'm happy I managed to dig it out from a pile of past archives and showcase it as an example in Chapter 9:
I'm sure my readers will benefit greatly how boundary scan works by studying the easy to follow test codes in high-level language syntax. It did, however, took me quite a while to understand and figure out the process laid out in the CPU's handbook (I've included the 12-page section on boundary scan test as an appendix).
Of course, newer processors and programmable array chips are much more complex. Thankfully, you don't have to do it the manual way like I did, because JTAG hardware and software tools are available with a comprehensive library of chip manufacturers supplied BSDL files now make it a breeze to test any JTAG-enabled chip on the market, better still, PCBs designed with daisy-chained JTAG devices. This too, will be covered.
That's all for now.
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